Barnaby’s Story
“Such a simple, beautiful organic product, made from the same substance that protects our planet. Mother nature is genius”- Barnaby Hopkins
In 1998 Barnaby was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, weighing just 90lbs, doctors presumed he had a few months to live.
By accident Barnaby’s mother came across a doctor in Mexico by the name of Dr. William Hitt, who was using ozone. Desperate to get better and beat his desease Barnaby traveled to Mexico and started a treatment regime of using IV ozone.
After several months of this treatment, Barnaby was cured of what the western doctors considered to be an “incurable disease”.
Though it took several months and 100% dedication on his part and Dr. Hitt’s, Barnaby was able to avoid becoming another hepatitis C statistic and is still here to tell his story and share the magic of Ozone. His blood tests today show no evidence that he ever had the virus, which is amazing, by all standards!
Fascinated by how he was able to heal himself of this desease, Barnaby stayed in Mexico and worked at the clinic learning all he could. Passionate about Ozone, Barnaby is keen to share with those who were interested, the numerous merits of ozone and what it may do for them.
After working with his own clients for several years, Barnaby started to infuse olive oil with ozone. When first starting out he used small medical grade ozone machines to infuse the oil, and it would take months running this delicate machine all day and night.
His curiousity and fasination lead Barnaby to begin to experiment with many different oils which produced varying results. Like many nutty professors, some of the best breakthroughs Barnaby made came from accidents and mistakes. An example being, the great Jojoba combo cream which was made when he left a trusted friend in charge of shutting the machine off, which his friend forgot to do. That is when the great coconut and Jojoba cream was born.
It took many failed attempts to create the many varying products that o3organics proudly has as part of their standard stock today. Many hours of scratching his head, there wasn’t a book to read, or a course to take on the realatively unknown subject of ozone oil manufacturing. The creative process of developing the o3organics ozone products was a complete joy for him and they have become his babies.
And so, like any proud parent, Barnaby has done his best to express this appreciation of ozone and its healing capabilities, by offering some of the best products on the market, to anyone who’s keen to experience the healing properties of this magnificent natural product.
“My purpose in life is to embrace and experience the joy of living. There may perhaps be little point to life, other than experiencing it with an open heart. Live a little.” – Barnaby Hopkins
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