Making Ozone Oil
Using a high quality ozone generator, o3 gas (ozone) is infused into organic carrier oils. During this time a series of chemical reactions take place between the ozone and the unsaturated fatty acids of the oil. The result is the ozonation of the carrier oil.
Ozonated oils hold many of the same detoxifying and healing powers as ozone gas.
Using ozone oil is a simple way of receiving the benefits of ozone without having to do the process of ozone therapy. The oils act as a vehicle to bring activated oxygen into the body – with one simple application they impart additional oxygen to the cellular structure.
There are many factors to consider when producing ozone oil:
– The type of oil
– The quality of oxygen
– The concentration of ozone that is being used
– The temperature of the environment
– The length of time we ozonated the oil
– The type of infusing stone
After the above factors are considered then the process of ozonation can commence.
We have developed very specific protocols for ozonating oils, which vary from product to product. But generally include the following:
– In our production facility we have a high quality ozone generator
– We infuse USDA Organic Carrier oils: Argan, Coconut, Evening primrose, Hemp, Jojoba, Olive, Neem, Rosehip. Depending on the product we are making we chose the oil to start the ozonation process
– Pour the oil into a glass vessel. We never use plastic! This ensures that our oils remain pure and uncontaminated
– We place the bubbling stone inside the oil, this stone is attached to a tube, and that is attached to the ozone generator
– Turn the machine on and the process starts. The process of ozonation can take hours or days, depending on the oil that we are doing
– When the ozonation process is finished, bottling, labeling and distribution begins.