What is Ozone?
Ozone is a natural gas that derives from oxygen. It is triatomic form of oxygen: it is composed of three oxygen atoms (o3), whereas oxygen is composed of 2 oxygen atoms (o2). Ozone can be produced naturally in nature like in our atmosphere, and after a lightning storm. Ozone can also be produced artificially, using a medical grade ozone generator.
Using a medical grade ozone generator, a high voltage or UV light splits the oxygen molecules, making oxygen free radical formation. These oxygen radicals bind to the already present 2 oxygen atoms (o2) making ozone (o3).
Simply said ozone is an oxygen molecule that has received an extra oxygen atom by high voltage.
It is the third molecule of oxygen in ozone that gives it so many detoxifying benefits. This molecule is unstable, and because of this instability it is highly reactive. Meaning it reacts with any foreign molecules or microbes in its surrounding environment, eradicating them. Ozone destroys all germs, viruses and bacteria it comes in contact with. The molecule attaches itself to any contaminant microbe, neutralizing it and eliminating it, leaving behind only oxygen with no chemical bi-products.
Note: These claims are based on our own individual experience and research over time, they should not be thought of as facts, they are opinions.
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