Ozone oil is a natural alternative to cortisone and steroid agents found in most psoriasis and eczema products. Studies have shown that the ozonoids in ozone oil suppress the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are proteins that act as messengers to other cells to become inflamed.
Many skincare products today, which claim to get rid of acne, end up drying the face and causing irritation. This is largely due to the toxic ingredients found in them. They may lessen breakouts and cause them to subside for a period of time, but in the long run breakouts continue. That is because these products treat the symptoms of acne but not the root cause.
When applied to the skin, ozone oil acts as an all organic and natural anti-septic through the mechanism of oxidation of microorganisms. Ozone delivers active o2 within a wound, stimulating the healing processes of the body.
We strive to bring balance back to skincare. We produce ozonated oils that are gentle and safe to use on all skin types, and are perfect for anyone’s beauty regime.
Ozone oil makes for an amazing natural deodorant! It contains no harmful toxins like aluminum, and keeps you smell free!
Aging causes the skin to become less tight and lose its elasticity largely caused by poor circulation, and lack of oxygen to the skin cells. After applying ozone oil to your skin you can see the difference right away.