Ozone as a Natural Treatment for Eczema & Psoriasis

Ozone oil can be used as an alternative to cortisone and steroid agents found in most psoriasis and eczema products.

Many studies have shown that the over production of Cytokines are what causes Eczema and Psoriasis. Cytokines are proteins that act as messengers to other cells to become inflamed.

Research has shown that the ozonides in ozone oil suppress the generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, resulting in aiding the body in relieving the various symptoms of psoriasis and eczema such as:

– irritation

– dry skin

– inflammation.

One of the causes of Psoriasis in the body is the miscommunication with itself. It tells itself to produce more skin cells than it needs, resulting in extra skin cells piling up and the appearance of psoriasis.

Ozone oil is thought to improve cellular communication, therefore helping the body relay messages better. This aids in preventing the process that results in psoriasis on the skin.

Note: These claims are based on our own individual experience and research over time, they should not be thought of as facts, they are opinions.

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